Beloved Narendra Modi Ji, ‘Political Unity of Hindus’ is the first condition of ‘Vikasit Bharat’

Instead of being energised with fresh ideas and smart strategic approaches, your jaded mind is still moving in the same old ‘self obsessed’ rut that led to the recent poll debacle. Since your government and party blindly and dutifully rely on your much touted strategic acumen and masterstrokes, they are condemned to follow you instead of evolving and charting out a new course on their own.

You turned it into an election between you and the rest, harping on the theme of Modi guarantees that were basically an extension of tired and retired govt. schemes. Even in your election speeches you uselessly dwelt at length with ‘Parivarvaad’ and ‘Shahzadas’ rhetoric, presuming that it would work up and motivate your audience.

You must stop making ‘Shahzada’ and ‘Parivaarvad’ jibes and taking potshots at Congress leaders and other regional satraps. It trivializes the political discourse instead of highlighting their deviousness and skulduggery and the dangerous, divisive and destructive consequences of their overt intent and actions.

You could not even communicate effectively the grand dream of ‘Vikasit Bharat’ that might have inspired and motivated nationalists like RSS swayamsevaks. You relied more on building a coalition with ‘tod-phod’ and ‘jod-tod’ instead of rallying people of Bharat around the larger cause of saving and building the nation and thwarting the attempts of the Breaking Bharat gangs. 

You didn’t even care to communicate cogently to the people as to why do you need 400+ majority and thus motivate them to come out of their houses in overwhelmingly large numbers to vote for you. So, while the external and internal enemies of our nation diligently worked extra hard to ensure your defeat, your lacklustre cadre, party and government remained rudderless and clueless about grassroots undercurrents and cleverly fine tuned stratagems of the Breaking Bharat axis of wily and vile enemies of our nation.  

These stratagems were not covert. They were finally documented in the manifesto of Congress, which actually is an Islamist-Leftist manifesto, similar to the one that had led to the partition of Bharat in 1947. However, the idea of it was seeded much earlier and had grown into a thorny poisonous tree in the provincial assembly elections of 1945-46. The manifestos, the expressed intent of Congress and its allies contain the seeds of that poison tree. Your party and you failed to communicate this to the people of Bharat because of your strange reluctance to talk freely and openly about lurking dangers.

Bharat’s survival depends on the survival of the Hindu body politic. Enemies of our nation have been constantly attacking it for a thousand years in an unceasing war of attrition. Whenever it was weakened, they succeeded in subjugating us. Yet they failed to annihilate it thanks to the ‘Punya’ and ‘Prarabdh Karma’ of our ancestors. Time and again we regrouped, reorganised and fought back and reclaimed our land and freedom.

Congress, its allies and regional satraps are no different from those foreign invaders. They are resorting to similar tactics and strategies, constantly attacking the Hindu body politic from within and without to break and destroy it. They have become willing instruments in the hands of the internal and external enemies of our nation out of hunger for power.

You may know it yet have failed to defend and protect the Hindu body politic. You have allowed the enemies to attack and dent it because of your fetishes, unfounded inhibitions, and inexplicable reticence to call a spade a spade and to be an unapologetic political Hindu. Here are a few points you must note.

1. Your unwillingness to call out the names of the nation’s enemies the way Param Poojaniy Guru Ji did is a grave strategic error. If you cannot name the Islamists, Communists and Church in this war of attrition as enemies of Bharat, you cannot fight them effectively. Interestingly, Sheikh Haseena of Bangladesh can do it but you cannot for some strange reasons.

2. If the Breaking Bharat axis is out to dent and destroy the Hindu body politic to defeat you, it’s your duty to defend, protect, and consolidate it with all your might without being apologetic. You need to build a grand Hindu alliance and strong fortifications to ward off and aggressively respond to these organised well-coordinated ground attacks. You should use Saam, Daam, Dand, and Bhed to achieve this end. The electoral setbacks in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Bengal and Maharashtra point to a humongous failure on your part to build and nurture such alliance that could anticipate and withstand the onslaught of enemies.

3. You have to communicate and exhort openly, unambiguously and without mincing words to Hindus to stay united politically. You must explain to them how important it is to do so by organising focussed group meetings, conferences, rallies, and participating in religious gatherings like Kumbh and giving an open call for the political unity of Hindus. You must highlight that such unity is essentially not anti-Muslim or anti-Christian.

4. You must be clear-headed about the fact that ‘Nation First’ and ‘Hindu First’ are synonymous ideas. There will not exist a Bharat Rashtra without Hindu Rashtra. Likwise, there cannot be a Vikasit Bharat without the political unity of Hindus. That’s the first condition to make Bharat strong and to protect its geopolitical integrity and economic interests. Our long history is testimony to the fact that a divided Hindu body politic has weakened us in all respects – economically, politically and militarily. 

5. You must develop an army of grassroots warriors in BJP who are ideologically well trained, strategically adept, driven by their courage of convictions, and forever alert to the situation on ground and have the wherewithal and capacity to respond to enemy attacks of various kinds and repulse it. You should have the back of these warriors and extend them all moral, legal, men, money and material support to carry on their fight effectively.

6. You must coordinate, network, and build strong bonds and alliances with various Hindu organisations, groups and individual Hindutva warriors that are outside your organisational fold yet are carrying on a great fight within their limited capacity using their own resources against the well-funded global eco-system of Breaking Bharat forces. You should help them openly, unhesitatingly and even brazenly.

7. Please surround yourself with talented warriors and not minions and जो हुकुम सरकार kind as ministers and advisors. Most of your ministers obviously lack warrior like attitude. They are more into pleasing you and massaging your sense of aggrandizement than fighting battles with a clear purpose and a 360° view of the war zone. I have personally followed up the workings of 4 key ministries Education, Culture, MeitY, and Information and Broadcasting. I have written about it as well. Here are a few links.

This is first of a series of articles I intend to write on related subjects with the hope these ideas are found useful by the targeted audience.

Rajesh Kumar Singh

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