Pathological deracination of Mohan Bhagwat, Narendra Modi and rest of BJP & RSS leadership disconnects them from Hindu India

The great soul of Param Poojaniy Guru Ji (Shri M. S. Golwalkar) would be crying tears of blood at the pathological deracination of Mohan Bhagwat, Narendra Modi and present day RSS and BJP leaders and their acolytes.

Since Sangh Pracharaks have very little family connect, they tend to get secularized in terms of ‘ritualistic’ side of Hinduism and develop a rationalist and atheistic view of life. That’s why you will find many RSS and BJP leaders who come from the ‘pracharak’ stream prefer that their bodies be donated for public cause and no ‘shraddh karm’ is performed after their death.

Though it’s apparently a supreme humanistic gesture on the part of ones who have dedicated their lives to serve ‘Sada Vatasla Bharat Mata’, at its core it’s essentially an atheistic deracinated attitude and action that tends to permeate among Sangh Swayamsevaks too who begin to look at their family as a burden and elaborate rituals and traditions associated with ‘grahyasth ashram’ as useless, wasteful, and unnecessarily complicated exercises. Their sense of ‘empathy’ with their community is lost in the process.

I’m one of those Swayamsevaks of nearly 60 years. I don’t follow rituals and post my death I will like my body parts to be taken out and given away to the needy and the remains to be used to train young med school students. I dread ‘grahyasth ashram’ and rarely go to temples. And I have that ‘Charvaka’ attitude to ‘after death’ scenario as I believe that when you live you live when you die you die and there is no after life like heaven or hell. I’m a deracinated Hindu.

However, I’m not rabidly deracinated. I know ‘grahyasth asharm’ and rituals associated with it are key to sustaining a robust Hindu eco-system and civilisation that has weathered many a devastating, and bloody storm for thousands of years and survived. I have greater reverence and respect for a hard-working householder or a family priest than for a monk. I know what monks are. Most of them are ‘run-away’ cowards and shirkers like me who dread the idea of raising a family and providing for and sustaining it through persistence, perseverance, and hard work. 

When deracination gets rabidly deep-seated and pathological the problem gets compounded and dangerous. You get a Mohan Bhagwat who finds nothing wrong in court verdicts that interfere in long-held ritualistic traditions of worship at Hindu shrines and a Narendra Modi who firmly believes that toilets are more important than temples and it’s all right to demolish and bulldoze Hindu temples and shrines to dust if they come in the way of a local government’s development initiatives.

If you look at it objectively, there is hardly any attitudinal difference among Bhagwat, Modi, Yechury or Pinarayi towards the core belief system held sacred by a billion Hindus across the globe. They work at destroying it with equal fervour. While Yechuri and Pinarayi do it knowingly and methodically, Modi and Bhagwat out of ignorance and stupidity.

That’s why I insist Modi and Bhagwat re-school themselves to cure their pathological deracination to reconnect with the Hindu body politic. They should read ‘Bunch of Thoughts’ carefully to understand that RSS was not established as a reform movement or a spiritual cult.

So, they must refrain from putting on their ‘reformist’ hat. They neither have the intellectual depth nor the spiritual super-power to comprehend the diversity and sacredness of Hindu traditions and practices. They don’t even have the temporal or Constitutional authority to preach down to Hindus as citizens of a secular state. In fact none has it.

Hindus don’t exist because of Bhagwat, Modi, RSS, BJP, VHP, etc.; they exist because they have always existed. The Indian Constitution didn’t give birth to a Hindu body politic; Hindus created the Indian Constitution. They are not secondary to it, as many of the deracinated pappus in judiciary may like us to believe.

The created cannot be greater than the creator. Hindus inhabited and nurtured this sacred land for thousands of years and thus their parampara and practices take precedence over a 70-year old Constitution, a cut & paste job done by deracinated lawyers trained in English laws and the Constitutions of newborn nations.

Deracinated Modi and Bhagwat and their equally deracinated acolytes like Shah, Yedurappa, Fadnavis, Khattar, Nadda, Harshvardhan, Javdekar, and the rest, and the Indian bureaucracy and judiciary cannot sit in judgement over Hindu practices and parampara. I believe someone who once used to head RSS-spawned Adhivakta Parishad heads the National Green Tribunal (NGT) that banned crackers on Diwali. This is what I term as the pathological deracination of RSS swayamsevaks.

The take over of temples by the BJP led Uttarakhand Government, inserting a whole lot of bureaucrats in the Ram Janm Bhoomi Trust, support to the appointment of a Muslim scholar to teach Vedic rituals to students of BHU’s Sanskrit Department, brutal firing at Munger’s Goddess Durga immersion procession, massacre of Baba Ram Rahim supporters, and not paying heed to the Hindu Charter of independent Hindu activists are other appalling examples of deracinated BJP & RSS leadership, Indian bureaucracy, and judiciary.

The VHP should have taken up the demands contained in the Hindu Charter; BJP MPs should have been raising hell in the Parliament for its implementation; Mohan Bhagwat should have been talking about it in his Vijaydashmi address. They don’t as they invariably fail to comprehend the import of the issues raised in the charter in terms of strengthening the Hindu body politic. Yet again the root cause is ‘pathological deracination’ of RSS & BJP.

I was a student of Uday Pratap College a.k.a Kshatriya School, Varanasi, a residential school that had mostly students from Kshatriya families. We had to follow the daily ritual of ‘Sandhya’ performed in the Sandhya Hall of the school. This connected us to our Indic roots more than an RSS Shakha.

I joined Vivekananda Kendra as a Jeevan Vrati; we followed certain routine and rituals and prayers as part of the Kendra’s spartan lifestyle. It was a ‘deracinated’ community living, though some of the workers did follow the normal Hindu rituals in the privacy of their rooms. The reason was, the ‘Jeevan Vrati’ system of Vivekananda Kendra was inspired by the Pracharak parampara of RSS. VK was started by Shri Eknath Ranade, ex-SarKaryvah (General Secretary) of RSS.

Guru Ji understood the perils of ‘deracination’ as much as of ‘de-nationalisation’ and thus constantly emphasised that laws that demand uniformity in religious and community practices are antithetical to Hindu ethos and thus the lawmakers, trained in western jurisprudence, must refrain from enacting such laws in a haste and think seriously before doing so. This was the main reason for his opposition to the Hindu Code Bill and even the Uniform Civil Code. He understood the true nature of Hindu/Indic socio-cultural-religious existence that abhorred uniformity and celebrated diversity. 

Modi and Bhagwat, and their copycat CMs, Ministers, and acolytes must go back to their ideological roots to get cured of their pathological deracination. Modi must also understand that Hindus deeply care for their Gods and Goddesses and parampara and can see a clear and present threat to them and thus voted him to power to remove those threats and not to preach them incessantly from the PM’s pulpit.

Rajesh Kumar Singh

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