Modi Ji, and Mohan Bhagwat ji, why Bharat Mata’s children must suffer debilitating effect of ‘parikrama’ cabal of ‘swayamsevaks’ like Javdekar, Pokhariyal and Vinay Sahastrbuddhe

She needs ‘parakrami’ warriors to defend her.

It seems the present day BJP and RSS leadership believes in the words of Jesus Christ. ‘The meek (mandbuddhi) shall inherit the Earth.’ The warriors will fight and perish. The cabal of Prakash Javdekar, Ramesh Pokahriyal, Vinay Sahastrbuddhe, Rakesh Sinha, etc.  represents the ‘parikrama’ brigade of RSS & BJP.

What Bharat Mata needs are ‘parakrami yoddhas’, ferocious and sharp intellectual as well as street warriors. Moreover, the ‘parikrama cabal’ and its ineptitude have serious debilitating effects on a few ‘parakramis’ who may transfuse transformational energy in Modi sarkar.     

Narendra Modi Ji and Mohan Bhagwat Ji may also believe in Swami Vivekananda’s famous dictum. ‘Each soul is potentially divine’. That’s why they have been hoping for the divinity of the ‘parikrama cabal’ to manifest since the last six and a half years.

Let us talk about Prakash Javadekar, who is currently heading the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Modi ji gave him ample time, six and a half years, to explore and manifest his divinity in key Ministries of his government namely HRD, I&B, and Environment.

Javadekar’s divinity has not manifested so far. Will it manifest in the next three and a half years? I’m not so hopeful.  Javdekar takes 5 years to take a decision that can be taken in seconds. He also considers doing ‘nothing’ and maintaining the status quo as a big achievement. He even boasts of it in the Parliament.   

The other day he was talking to Ajeet Bharati, the Opindia (Hindi) editor about what he did in the HRD Ministry and boasting of how he silently got 200 pages changed in NCERT books and even ‘the Indian Express’ wrote about it. Watch this.

He is not just inept but a liar too. He wanted Ajeet Bharati to peddle his white lies to Opindia’s predominantly nationalist audience. The truth is that there have been no significant or fundamental changes in the sociology and history books of NCERT. The crooked babus and Chrislam-o-Commies sitting in the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) have been taking Modi ministers for a ride.

I studied NCERT’s book of Indian History of class 6. Here is the link. This is the 2014-17 edition. A Marxist historian wrote it.

It’s an appallingly and terribly designed and written book filled with undigested puke-worthy garbage that will have a benumbing effect on a kid’s mind instead of adding to his native intelligence. Apparently, some idiot who claims to have glowing global credentials in the field of child education has written it. NCERT seems to have been infested with such agenda driven yet academically and intellectually challenged lowlifes.

It should have been purged of such elements within days of Narendra Modi taking over the governance of the nation in 2014. The general belief that geniuses from JNU are intellectually smart is a big lie. I have dealt with some of them who are even holding key positions in this government. They are gasbags and IDIOTS and disgusting ‘parikrama’ specialists who know how the Delhi establishment functions. That’s the specialisation they develop in JNU.

These NCERT books should have been dumped lock, stock and barrel in the first year itself. They required radical changes in their structure and writing that should have been done quickly. It was not even an onerous task. However, for 6 years Smriti Irani and Javadekar did nothing. Their sole concern was to somehow prove that they didn’t have an agenda to ‘saffronise’ education. The fools remained on the back-foot all through.

They didn’t realise that the issue was not about the ‘hue’ of child education in India. It could have been anything – red, white, blue, orange, saffron or whatever. The concern is that our boys and girls get properly educated. These are inherently bad books, poorly structured, designed, and written apart from their putrid content, the copycat left-liberal ‘Marxist’ garbage. No academician or pedagogue true to the salt of his calling and who has truly devoted and dedicated his/her life to child education, would have developed and approved this crap.

A thousand times better NCERT books can be developed, designed, written and produced within months. You just have to get people like True Indology, Sankrant Sanu, KK Muhammed, Aabhas Maldahiyar, Sanjeev Dixit, Kapil Kapoor, Madhu Kishwar, Neeraj Atri, Anand Rangnathan, Rajiv Malhotra, and a whole lot of other sensible, and sensitive historians, academicians and pedagogues to work on them.

They can churn out beautiful, accessible, inspiring, factual, and interesting books that will help in the intellectual development of our kids, and make them proud of their country and culture. It will boost their self-confidence as an Indian and as they grow in years they will develop the mental maturity and ability required for a serious study of subjects like history, sociology, and archaeology.

But what do you do? You get another nincompoop like Vinay Sahastrabuddhe into NCERT. The other day I heard him in one of the Jaipur Dialogues sessions hosted by Sankrant Sanu. He was talking about difficulties in changing things that have been there since 70 years. He is another Javdekar. He will take 10 years to do something that can be done within months.

I have had the opportunity to know a bit about his calibre. He is inept and incompetent. He is placed in ICCR and NCERT now and is busy ‘surviving’ instead of turning these institutions into transformational tools. He generally talks through his hat, and has very little domain knowledge beyond rote anecdotal learning. He is certainly not a doer. The ‘parikrama’ cabal has no doers and warriors. They are survivors who prefer playing it safe, following Jesus’s words, ‘the meek shall inherit the earth’.  

Now let’s come to the new National Education Policy (NEP). Javadekar’s ministry worked on this for 5 years. NEP is merely a compilation. It appears like an Indian document but almost everything else is copied from what is happening in America and other European countries. It took Javdekar and HRD Ministry 5 years to produce this compilation though some big names are associated with it.

The preamble of the thick tome occupies more pages than its actual content. Most of it is common knowledge. I think it should not have taken more than 1 year to compile it. Now, it took 18 months to dedicate it to the nation after that. At this rate its implementation will take at least a decade. So, a whole new generation of kids would have passed through schools by then.

At the same time, contrary to the ideas embedded in NEP, most of the BJP governments are promoting English and English medium schools. The ridiculous thing is that many of the BJP or Sangh leaders can neither write nor speak English. The Prime Minister still finds it difficult to read English. In the last five-years Javdekar could have al least got textbooks translated into various Indian languages. 

It seems the ministers and office bearer ‘swayamsevaks’ in Modi Sarkar believe that the nation and Hindus are so beholden to them that they can even bear with their incompetence and ineptitude forever. Do Narendra Modi and Mohan Bhagwat really believe that all ‘swayamsevaks’ or ‘Sangh pracharaks’ have the competence and capability to build a nation and Javdekar, Pokhariyal, Sahastrabuddhe, Rakesh Sinha and others of ‘parikrama’ cabal deserve to be handling the key responsibilities assigned to them?   

Modi Ji, working for 20 hours in 24 hours is not a big deal. I also sleep 4–5 hours with great difficulty. I‘m concerned about your governance as a citizen and Sangh swyamsevak. I can clearly see the fault lines and waste of opportunities and resources because of the incompetence of your babus and ministers who are merely experts in preparing budgets and cornering resources to ultimately waste them.  

Rajesh Kumar Singh

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