Hindus must fight for justice for their ancestors

In this FB video Anand Ranganathan makes a passionately plea to Hindus to rise up and demand justice for the crimes committed against their ancestors and reclaim their desecrated and destroyed holy sites for the sake of that. fb.watch/b9okGd14y1/

O dearest Hindus, Celebrate English New-Year 2021 with this unique calendar that will fill you up with great sense of pride

A film-maker friend of mine, Vivek Singhania, sent it to me on What’s App. I felt this should be shared with all of you. It’s particularly important that deracinated Hindus let their young ones know about this. It may make them realise how important it is for them to own, protect and nurture their grand… Continue reading O dearest Hindus, Celebrate English New-Year 2021 with this unique calendar that will fill you up with great sense of pride

Why Hindus, orthodox or deracinated, must defend Hinduism with all their might & life?

Why must I defend Hinduism and even be ready to die for it? I was born a Hindu. I know nothing about Brahmanic rituals, Vedas, Shrutis, Smritis, Upnishads, Puranas, Itihasa, Darshanas, and a whole lot of funny, fiery, fearful, nightmarish images of Gods and Goddesses, and Sanskrit invocations, and all kinds of mumbo-jumbo and pooja-path… Continue reading Why Hindus, orthodox or deracinated, must defend Hinduism with all their might & life?