Beloved Narendra Modi Ji, ‘Political Unity of Hindus’ is the first condition of ‘Vikasit Bharat’

It seems the two-day meditation at the Dhyan Mandpam of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial has not led to the spiritual, intellectual, ideological, and practical clarity that would refresh and reignite your thought process. It could have provided the much needed impetus and creative impulses to motivate and inspire people of Bharat and your party men.… Continue reading Beloved Narendra Modi Ji, ‘Political Unity of Hindus’ is the first condition of ‘Vikasit Bharat’

Hindus must fight for justice for their ancestors

In this FB video Anand Ranganathan makes a passionately plea to Hindus to rise up and demand justice for the crimes committed against their ancestors and reclaim their desecrated and destroyed holy sites for the sake of that.

हल्दीघाटी से दिवेर युद्ध तक – महाराणा प्रताप की अद्भुत शौर्य गाथा

हल्दीघाटी से दिवेर युद्ध तक - महाराणा प्रताप की अद्भुत शौर्य गाथा

विशाल हिंदु मार्च, दिल्ली चलो, १ मार्च २०२१ Vishal Hindu March, Dilli Chalo, 1 March 2021

यह ध्रुव सत्य हैभारत को बचाना है तो हिंदु समाज को बचाना होगाहिंदुओं को संगठित हो अपनी परंपरा, विविधतापूर्ण, जीवन, सम्मान और संपत्ति की रक्षा करने के लिये आगे आना होगा१०० करोड़ की बात नहीं सुनता कोई, सड़क पर उतरे कुछ हजार का शोर सब सुन लेते हैं। भारतीय गणतंत्र में यही चलन है आज… Continue reading विशाल हिंदु मार्च, दिल्ली चलो, १ मार्च २०२१ Vishal Hindu March, Dilli Chalo, 1 March 2021

Vajpayee’s ’13-Days’ Govt. and his ‘Hinduvadi’ speech while moving Confidence Motion in Parliament

Atal Bihari Vajpayee took oath of the office of the Prime Minister of India on 15th May 1996 for the first time. His government didn't last long and he finally resigned on 28th May 1996 even before the vote on the Confidence Motion moved by him. His speech in reply to the debate on the… Continue reading Vajpayee’s ’13-Days’ Govt. and his ‘Hinduvadi’ speech while moving Confidence Motion in Parliament

“Face the brutes swami”

The exhortation came from a roadside mendicant to a young yet unknown and unnamed sanyasin being chased by brutish monkeys in the holy city of Varanasi. He heeded the words of wisdom, stopped running, turned around and faced the monkeys, looked straight into their eyes while holding his staff firmly in his hand to strike.… Continue reading “Face the brutes swami”