When I wrote about Kejari, the conman, and his interview with Rajdeep, the presstitute

This is a reproduction of an article I wrote years ago for my web site khullmakhulla.net. A friend had suggested that I watch this charlatan's interview with Rajdeep Sirdesai given soon after his resignation as the CM of Delhi and I did it. And when I heard him proclaiming that he slept in the open… Continue reading When I wrote about Kejari, the conman, and his interview with Rajdeep, the presstitute

No coercive lockdowns, curfews, and shutting of businesses even if Covid cases surge

Don’t stop the roll out of economy yet again come what may, even if Covid cases rise. If rising casualties unnerve our generals and soldiers, they cannot fight a war. We must not panic. Please remember, it’s a war to save our economy and keep it going. Anything that brings our economy to a halt… Continue reading No coercive lockdowns, curfews, and shutting of businesses even if Covid cases surge