निर्भीक, निडर, डीएसपी शैलेंद्र सिंह के सामने कैसे गिड़गिड़ाया माफिया मुख़्तार अंसारी

यदि आप को जानना है कि पुलिस विभाग का किस तरह दुरुपयोग किया जाता है और ईमानदार अफ़सरों को क्या क्या सहना पड़ता है, ये Interview अवश्य देखें और सुनें। https://youtu.be/kVJ4Mi_-aXA

Hamid Ansari, Mukhtar Ansari, Yusufpur, and high school boy from Ballia

When Hamid Ansari became the Vice President of India I kept wondering if I had seen him somewhere. Whenever I would see him presiding over the Rajya Sabha, his demeanor and conduct would remind me of someone I had encountered in the past. He was obviously partisan in a rabid kind of way. I also… Continue reading Hamid Ansari, Mukhtar Ansari, Yusufpur, and high school boy from Ballia