Beloved Narendra Modi Ji, ‘Political Unity of Hindus’ is the first condition of ‘Vikasit Bharat’

It seems the two-day meditation at the Dhyan Mandpam of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial has not led to the spiritual, intellectual, ideological, and practical clarity that would refresh and reignite your thought process. It could have provided the much needed impetus and creative impulses to motivate and inspire people of Bharat and your party men.… Continue reading Beloved Narendra Modi Ji, ‘Political Unity of Hindus’ is the first condition of ‘Vikasit Bharat’

Beloved Modi Ji,  please bring ironclad laws with exemplary punishments to checkmate the corrupt and crooked

Mere rhetoric won’t work Modi Ji. You have to act decisively if you want to be seen as a crusader against corruption. However, let me also remind you about something you seem to be forgetting. You continue to exhort your party workers that nation comes first, party next, and person last. You forget that even… Continue reading Beloved Modi Ji,  please bring ironclad laws with exemplary punishments to checkmate the corrupt and crooked

Hindus must fight for justice for their ancestors

In this FB video Anand Ranganathan makes a passionately plea to Hindus to rise up and demand justice for the crimes committed against their ancestors and reclaim their desecrated and destroyed holy sites for the sake of that.

Modi Ji please act decisively and quickly, declare a national emergency, and tell upstarts in SC and HCs to stay clear of executive turf for now

You need every hand on the deck, and must act on war footing like a well-oiled war machine. With the spread of Covid 19 variants in villages, particularly in UP, you have very few options left on the table. You need 24x7 war rooms in PMO and every state capital. You cannot waste time of your… Continue reading Modi Ji please act decisively and quickly, declare a national emergency, and tell upstarts in SC and HCs to stay clear of executive turf for now

No coercive lockdowns, curfews, and shutting of businesses even if Covid cases surge

Don’t stop the roll out of economy yet again come what may, even if Covid cases rise. If rising casualties unnerve our generals and soldiers, they cannot fight a war. We must not panic. Please remember, it’s a war to save our economy and keep it going. Anything that brings our economy to a halt… Continue reading No coercive lockdowns, curfews, and shutting of businesses even if Covid cases surge

निर्भीक, निडर, डीएसपी शैलेंद्र सिंह के सामने कैसे गिड़गिड़ाया माफिया मुख़्तार अंसारी

यदि आप को जानना है कि पुलिस विभाग का किस तरह दुरुपयोग किया जाता है और ईमानदार अफ़सरों को क्या क्या सहना पड़ता है, ये Interview अवश्य देखें और सुनें।

हरामखोर नक्सली सूअरों, और उनके विश्वविद्यालयों, शहरों, और मीडिया में बैठे वामपंथी दलालों और गुर्गों को दौड़ाने का समय आ गया है

अजीत भारती का ये विडियो सब को देखना और साझा करना चाहिये।