Chandrachud writes an insane judgment, unfairly targets the office of governor, wastes precious resources and time of SC

"Can vacuous and verbose courtroom duels and verdicts be construed as benchmarks of jurisprudential excellence, erudition and sagacity? Is there a way of shaming, reforming and disciplining the unaccountable English speaking pigs with bloated egotistical heads who obviously revel and roll in the excrement of their mediocrity and who shit and pee on the heads… Continue reading Chandrachud writes an insane judgment, unfairly targets the office of governor, wastes precious resources and time of SC

When the Supreme Court turns into a platform for disgusting caricature of justice I don't know how many of you have been watching the proceedings of the Supreme Court of India on TV. Those who have not should watch it once. Honestly speaking the proceedings in the Parliament are far more informative, meaningful and sensible. The arguments, counter-arguments, interjections and pronouncements of lawyers and judges dressed in… Continue reading When the Supreme Court turns into a platform for disgusting caricature of justice

No coercive lockdowns, curfews, and shutting of businesses even if Covid cases surge

Don’t stop the roll out of economy yet again come what may, even if Covid cases rise. If rising casualties unnerve our generals and soldiers, they cannot fight a war. We must not panic. Please remember, it’s a war to save our economy and keep it going. Anything that brings our economy to a halt… Continue reading No coercive lockdowns, curfews, and shutting of businesses even if Covid cases surge