Beloved Narendra Modi Ji, ‘Political Unity of Hindus’ is the first condition of ‘Vikasit Bharat’

It seems the two-day meditation at the Dhyan Mandpam of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial has not led to the spiritual, intellectual, ideological, and practical clarity that would refresh and reignite your thought process. It could have provided the much needed impetus and creative impulses to motivate and inspire people of Bharat and your party men.… Continue reading Beloved Narendra Modi Ji, ‘Political Unity of Hindus’ is the first condition of ‘Vikasit Bharat’

Advocate Vishnu Jain tells court that Muslims have been deliberately and constantly insulting Lord Shiva and Hindus

Prosecute Muslims and Maulanas for insulting Lord Shiva and hurting Hindu sentiments says senior Journalist Pradeep Singh. This is a very important development. The Hindu warrior Advocate Vishnu Jain told the Varanasi District Court that Muslims have been deliberately and constantly insisting on performing ablutions at Wazukhana to insult Lord Shiva and hurt Hindu sentiments.… Continue reading Advocate Vishnu Jain tells court that Muslims have been deliberately and constantly insulting Lord Shiva and Hindus

ज्ञानवापी मस्जिद में पढ़ी गई हर नमाज़ कैंसल, मुसलमानों को पुण्य मिला नहीं, पाप गले पड़ गया

मौलवी और मौलाना कह रहे हैं कि जिस मस्जिद में काफिरों के भगवान बैठे हों वहाँ हर पढ़ी नमाज़ अल्लाताला नामंज़ूर कर देता है। तो जो भी नमाज़ी वहाँ नमाज़ पढ़ते रहे हैं उनका दोज़ख़ जाना तय है। कैपिटल टी वी के डा. मनीष कुमार ने इस कार्यक्रम में यह बात स्पष्ट की है। आप… Continue reading ज्ञानवापी मस्जिद में पढ़ी गई हर नमाज़ कैंसल, मुसलमानों को पुण्य मिला नहीं, पाप गले पड़ गया

Beloved Narendra Modi Ji, and Yogi Ji, Varanasi Courts and Registration Office are stinking hellholes of rampant corruption

Pradhan Sevak Narendra Modi Ji, the beloved MP of Varanasi, during the next tour of your much-celebrated constituency you must pay a visit to Varanasi Kachehari and Registration Office instead of its Ghats. I suggest you also use the toilets there to see for yourself how is your Swachh Bharat Abhiyan doing in the holy… Continue reading Beloved Narendra Modi Ji, and Yogi Ji, Varanasi Courts and Registration Office are stinking hellholes of rampant corruption